Refrigerated wagons

(Giorgio Giuliani - translation Angelo Giusti)

Rivarossi has created several types of refrigerated wagons starting from the refrigerated wagon  in 1950.

This page is a guide to the various types of wagons produced, pointing out the peculiarities and differences in what is often not so obvious in the face of the different denominations.

As previously mentioned many wagons are derived from the Pocher refrigerated wagon.


CR (1950)

Refrigerated wagon of no real model in real life, an approximate model derived from the closed wagon type  F-1946, 1947, produced in 1950 and in the catalogue until the late '50s.



Italian small wagon in the catalogue since 1959, noted with the logo "Gelati Motta" (Motta Ice Creams)



Pocher derived wagon in catalogue since 1964 characterized by the side steps to access ice hatches and for access to the roof at the stairs


old type without stairs (never received a name in any sort)

Another Pocher derived wagon in the RR catalogue in 1967, a wood  wagon with no side steps and without trapdoors on the roof.



Another Pocher derived metal wagon with horizontal grooves without ladders in catalogue since 1972 but only available in sold sets together the  FYFFES



metal wagon in catalogue since 1972 characterized by the side steps to access the ice hatches . Almost identical to the Hgm but without lowering the roof



Extended modern wagon, with long wheelbase made by Rivarossi and in the catalogue in 1972, with side steps, in addition to the increased length and the "streamlined" roof.


Large capacity

long bogies modern wagon, an original Rivarossi in catalogue since 1975 in two versions, with or without compressor



In catalogue since 1982 it is in fact the HGM type wagon, with steps and lowering of the roof on the sides, with modified underbody with rungs for accessing the doors instead of footplate.